Hello, let's meet!

We are Simas and Vida - the founders of the observatory.


CALENDAR of events

Welcome to the first private public observatory founded by our family in Lithuania, to which we invite you for entertainment and educational programs about the Universe!

Why "Observatory of Loud Silence"?

The homestead where the observatory is located and where we live is more than a hundred years old. Everything here is full of Life, and only if you stop your thoughts and listen to the present moment, you can hear and see that everything around you - the trees of the old garden, the hundred-year-old house, the autumn leaves rustling under your feet, the sound of wind chimes, the dawning morning sun or the full moon illuminated village road - everything is filled with Silence. Here, in this homestead, we felt the Silence so strongly that it rang in our hearts. It rang loudly. Then the observatory appeared. This is how the Observatory of Famous Silence was born.

We invite you to experience the Universe and your connection with it

Why should you visit us?

We always show and talk about the Universe - you can come to us during the day or in the evening for space-themed educational entertainment! We are unique in that we are not limited to clear skies, because there are very few clear skies in Lithuania. That's why we've created and invite you to engaging, cloud- and weather-independent programs about the majesty of the Universe, the intricacies of man's origin, and the connection of everything to the stars. All programs are full of stunning images of space and endless stories. It's no secret that after these trips to the big Universe, not only the perception of oneself and the world changes, but also emotional gasps, shouts of surprise, handshakes and even strong hugs are hard to hold back - all this the listeners experience not anywhere else, but in our original observatory with the "going away" on the roof We invite you to come!

Simo Šatkauska astrophotography.

Will there be a program if there are no clear skies?

No matter how much we would like to, we cannot promise clear skies to anyone. That's why we created programs that we demonstrate even when it's not clear.

The content of the Universe program itself also directly depends on the season and time of day of arrival.

If it is clear - we conduct direct observations of celestial bodies, in summer - spectacular observations of the Sun through three different telescopes. Believe me, if you have not seen the Sun through a telescope, we promise to surprise you - the Sun is not what you see in the sky with the naked eye. And where are all the shocking facts about our beloved and necessary Sun? You will hear what you haven't heard, you will see what you haven't seen. We remind you that direct observations through telescopes can only be made in clear sky conditions. In the absence of clear weather - we will be happy to show the records of observations made in our observatory. The program runs regardless of whether it is clear or not. Well, if it's clear at the time of your arrival - consider yourself just lucky and this is your reward.

Electronic telescope RASA 11 - for clear and colorful astronomical observations

At the beginning of the program, we always introduce the RASA 11 electronic telescope to the visitors. An astrophoto camera is attached to this telescope. Thanks to it, all the images obtained with the help of this camera are broadcasted to a large screen located in the observatory. Simas Šatkauskas will tell you in detail about everything you see on the screen based on scientific knowledge. All you have to do is sit back, relax and rest. Let the Universe intoxicate you...

Mes Youtube

A special place - for special objects

The location of the observatory is in a very convenient geographical location - in the very middle of Lithuania. Here is not only the wonderful Nevėžio valley, which remembers the Ice Age (we will tell you about it upon arrival), but also the Milky Way and the Andromeda galaxy are perfectly visible. The news is that for everyone interested in astronomy, one of the most important criteria for successful observations is the absence of light pollution. Therefore, these and other celestial objects are perfectly visible to us not only with powerful astrotechnology, but also with the naked eye. Can you imagine how beautiful it is here in August, during the Perseid meteor shower itself? Haven't you been to us yet? We invite you to visit!

Facebook Month

"I knew about the universe, but after participating live in your observatory, I felt the UNIVERSE in a completely different way. It is ABSOLUTE. The space is so limitless... I looked at the live broadcast and it seemed that my body is the Universe, that I am a particle of the Universe... Existence, matter, space, energy , distances, movement incomprehensible by velocities, power of numbers, etc….

Thank you very much for the opportunity you created to "touch the stars" with my eyes and feel the Greatness of the Universe through you!"

— Quote from feedback on our Facebook page

Write us a letter and we will discuss your journey in the Universe.

I am writing a letter


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